Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Normal maps

so today I've been rendering out some normal maps for the walls, they are looking nice, helps give it the edge however I now have the issue of normal map seems creating dark shadows where the edges are =/
(without normals: Top. With normals: Bottom)

So after compressing everything and changing the setting to normal map within the texture map (which I've been meaning to do for a while now) its still happening =/ back to the drawing board it looks like. After mooching through Google some suggestions are that it is linked into the lightmap, which I was having issues with earlier on in the project =/. Think I might have to ask about in University, see if anyone else can help. For now I have turned them off.

It also appears I will need two UPK's which is something I've not come across before, most likely due to the higher res textures. I need to reduce some textures down anyway, hopefully that will work. I think ill need a second pack as I still have a fair few textures to do!

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