Friday, 7 February 2014

7th February

I quickly created some planks, I got the idea when I stumbled across a image that had the same concept except it was a hell of a lot more crowded. I figured it added a bit more to the scene in stead of the space being empty, adds to the sense that someone has been there. I also put a few resting on the wall in the corner almost like they have been forgotten about or left for a different time.

I decided its about time to finish this quilt. Its been bugging me for a while and I thought while I was on a role why not. I need to get the rest of my assets finished before creating new ones. After I finish the bedding the fireplace is next. After that hopefully (if I stick to this plan) The roof and triangle parts on the upper wall. I want to add a small window onto the wall by the bed, this way I can add more light into the upper level.
2450 tris down to 820 tris currently. 
This will soon rise as I need to create the under layer to add volume. I wont be adding the entire under layer as I think its going to be a waste of time I don't have. I will only be adding it to the areas you can see such as the area where the quilt over turns and hangs over the edge. I am not looking forward to unwrapping this hahah it was a nightmare trying to determine what faces/verts were overlapping and that ones created the curves. Fortunately this is now fairly sorted. I could probably optimise it more however this will have to do for now, if I get time I will go back into it but I have to attend a meeting for another module soon and I want to have the fireplace done today or at least by the time I wake up on saturday. The all nighter was a good idea as I feel that I have a lot done, the scenes beginning to look lived in or at least had human interaction. The only problem is now I am starting to dip and my eyes are stinging. I think a break is in order!  

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