Thursday, 27 February 2014


Today I dedicated the day to ivy. I thought its best to do it now instead of later on down the line and getting slightly stuck with it/ spending too much time figuring it out. I started off with an independent Ivy generator. it was god however its not the best for use in game. I knew I would have to bake the meshes down and I could only use two textures (that I knew of).

 After playing around with the various tools and software I decided to make some myself and give that a try, I found a tutorial a while back and saved the jpeg and cant remember where I found it. (tutorials at the end of the post).
Using this tutorial endured that the scans I cleaned up last night didn't go to waste. At first I was just experimenting however I got so involved in it all that I am now using these for the main thing. plus ideally I don't have the time to go back.
I learnt a new tool as well while creating the ivy. The object paint tool. Its extremely handy and hopefully ill be able to utilise this tool in the future. I've had so much fun creating the ivy and I am quite impressed with the high poly versions. unfortunately this wont run in game so I still need to bake down into planes yet. I will be sure to get some good high poly renders though ;) I plan to create small pieces that will fit together in UDK to create larger masses.

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